24 Hour Emergency Locksmith 11214, NY – Call 212-866-8868

Locksmith upper west side

About 911 NYC Locksmith

911 NYC Locksmith is an established NYC based locksmith company of energetic and ambitious professionals with a long track record of solid experience.

Why Choose 911 NYC Locksmith?


  • Immaculate 24/7 customer service
  • Prompt response to any emergency calls (24 hr Locksmith New York, Dial 212-866-8868)


  • Best prices guaranteed
  • Warranty of 30 days on all parts and services

911 NYC Locksmith Services:

  • 24 hour Emergency Auto locksmith service
  • 24 hour Emergency Residential locksmith service
  • 24 hour Emergency Commercial Locksmith service

Get a free estimate today from our professionals.

Emergency contact
I got stuck outside of my office in Upper East Side 3 days ago. I called the number indicated on the website and they arrived within less than 15 minutes. The lock in our still door was opened easily and in a very professional way. We really appreciate the service – thank you 911nyclocksmith!

-Shannon S.

Payment methods
cisa mastercard americanexpress